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My PhotoBio
My PhotoBio
1: Introduction: I am the holder of Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, Certificate in Computer Hardware/software maintenance, networking and Internet. I am working as Assistant Accountant and I like my responsibilities. In addition to the above qualification, I poses a knowledge in MS Access DBase designing and application from different unregistered trainers. I am Looking forward along with the opportunities available to study Higher levels in IT. I have developed ideas/programs in an attempt to make my and my fellows’ daily works simple. I choose Ms Access Dbase in developing different programs as it is cheap and available Dbase program. However I believe that I can do much in this field if I undergo training in this field. 2: The hereunder is documentary age and purpose schedule of my developments up to date. S.No Program Name Purpose Age 1 RAJ*** Intended and was successfully facility which recorded,analysed,summarized,revenues starting when commercial banks were to collect on our behalf. July 2004 up to June 2006.Except (Customs Dept is on Use to date) 2 Deposits Manager Intended to manage depositor and their balances on real time. And produce some reports BUT under construction. November 2005 3 Salaries Dbase*** Intended and was successfully facility which we still use to input, process and then output staff salaries before we can writte payment vouchers. March 2003 up to date. 4 Block Management System*** • Intended to manage taxpayers in their Block simply and allow many users of different security levels fulfill their requirements. • Handle Dishonoured cheques (Btn RA’s Office and Oparations responsible officer.) • Facilitate co ordination in the working group of Tanga through the address module(search & update) June 2006 to Date 5 BPSystem Intended to automate writing of Bank pay in Slips by obtaining valid TIN from central TIN Dbase in an attempt to fight wrong TINs which hinder proper updating of taxpayers in ITAX software. Since 21st September 2006 (But under construction) 6 Districts Revenue Collections DBase Intended to automate revenue reporting in the district and facilitate Accounts staff on their verification via Carbon sliping-querring report.(Out of control due to distance} 2005 7 Unknown Audit Management system, recording and reporting. Not Started 8 CompilerR Revenue collections compiller RegionWise..(ie. Domestic,Customs and All Districts) Under Construction)